2003 - ...: Festival Clin d'Oeil (FR)
The Festival Clin d'Oeil is an international sign language arts festival created in 2003, taking place every two years in July for four days. Several artistic fields are represented: theater, dance, cinema, visual arts, street performances, etc.
The CinéSourds association created this festival in 2003 in order to "defend the creation and expression of artists in sign language". There were three invited foreign artists: Lars Otterstedt, Swedish director, Con Melhum, Norwegian director and Giuseppe Giuranna, Italian actor.
For this first festival, around 400 people came. But it was in 2005 that the Clin d'oeil festival as such really started.
During its fifth edition, in 2011, more than 6,000 visitors participated in the various events.
For its tenth anniversary, in 2013, the festival was able to welcome more than 3,000 people a day and 275 artists.
In 2015, nearly 4,500 festival-goers per day benefited from an international theatrical and cinematographic program.
PISCINA street theatre, see: https://www.clin-doeil.eu/en-gb/street_theatre
Source: https://www.clin-doeil.eu/en-gb/home